Friday, February 20, 2009

Love is in the air!

In respect to Imbolic and Valentines day I decided to add this little spell I made. This was the first spell I ever wrote, and the one with the most affect. It is a love spell, and not even a week after doing this spell I met someone who I dated for two years. The wording is a little akward, but love is akward in the begining.

Venus Love Spell

Tools: Small candle (any color)
Picture of Venus (opt.)


1) Prepare body, area, and materials. Call Circle and Quarters.

2) Invoke Venus for love.
a. “I call upon the Goddess Venus for aid in this spell.” Hold image of Venus in your head or hold hand over picture of her, then ring bell once.

3) Ask Venus to search for a lover for you as you light a candle in her name.
a. “I call to the Goddess Venus, and ask her to search for a (male/female) human who would be a good (boyfriend/girlfriend) for me at this time in my life. As I light this candle Venus sees my future lover and when this candle goes out she brings us together.”
b. Light candle and picture yourself with your wish granted.

4) Say “So mote it be and blessed be with harm to none. May this spell not reverse or place upon me any curse.” Thank Venus.

5) Close quarters and circle. Clean area and record.

Note: Venus can be tricky. If you have read the mythology you know that she likes to play games with mortals' hearts sometimes. I use her but if you are uncomfortable with it you can change it to another goddess.

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