Monday, April 14, 2008


May day is coming, a day to celebrate and spring. Hurrah! And like all wiccan holidays, drinking is encouraged. But be careful - we just past Ostara, celebrating fertility.

If you are like me, you may get angry that every holiday we have seems to have been stolen by christians and the commerical market. But don't get angry, remember that we are supposed to be accepting of all religions (do unto others as you would have them do to you).

What should you have been doing for Ostara (spring equinox)? Painting eggs, hiding eggs, making nests, telling the story of Ostara, celebrating spring, drinking, eating sweets, planting flowers.

What should you do for Beltane (May day)? Dance, if you're lucky around a may pole and with the may queen. drink, if you're lucky have sex. give gifts to fairies, pick flowers, light candles and stay up half the night, celebrate with a nice ceremony before any other festivties. bonfires are optional. Traditionally, this is the day the lady loses her virginity to the lord (pole with red ribbons? ) and it also celbrates the fertile land and some other agricultural things.

Enjoy the update.