Tuesday, November 25, 2008

About the Author

I decided to start posting a little project I have been working on. It's called "Easy Wicca", and it's a short paper explaining Wicca. The best part is it doesn't leave anything out. For people like my sister, who is an army wife and mother, there isn't time to read those big books about Wicca and then remembering everything is extra hard. So I started making an easy to understand but comprehensive Wiccan guide to Wicca.

Because all the information is written by me you may want to know who I am. My Wiccan name is Ambrosia Winter. I live in California and I'm about to graduate college. I wasn't raised any religion in particular, though both my parents were baptised Catholic. Growing up we didn't do any religious activites except holidays. When I was eleven I started to ask questions about God and my parents encouraged me to research religions. So I went to the library and on-line and researched. Soon I found that most religions had some parts I agreed with, and some I didn't. Then I found Wicca. The funny thing is my older sister was doing the same thing. When I announced to the family I was converting, she admitted she chose the same religion but didn't say anything because she wasn't sure how the family would take it. My family accepted it and I started to read every book about it that I could. Soon I started my own youth coven and was the leader in a group of about 12 members. When we graduated High School we split up and I've been a solitary ever since, though I kept the name of the Coven (Winter) as part of my Wiccan name.

The only hard part of being a Wiccan for me is Christmas and Easter. Though my family isn't religious they celebrate these holidays and for me holidays mean family time, but only my sister celebrates Yule and Ostara with me (or any of the holidays). I love everything else about being Wiccan, though I have to be quite educated about it because people constantly ask me about it. "What does that symbol mean?" "Do you worship satan?" "Are you a witch?"
But that's it about me. Any questions feel free to ask.

Monday, April 14, 2008


May day is coming, a day to celebrate ...sex and spring. Hurrah! And like all wiccan holidays, drinking is encouraged. But be careful - we just past Ostara, celebrating fertility.

If you are like me, you may get angry that every holiday we have seems to have been stolen by christians and the commerical market. But don't get angry, remember that we are supposed to be accepting of all religions (do unto others as you would have them do to you).

What should you have been doing for Ostara (spring equinox)? Painting eggs, hiding eggs, making nests, telling the story of Ostara, celebrating spring, drinking, eating sweets, planting flowers.

What should you do for Beltane (May day)? Dance, if you're lucky around a may pole and with the may queen. drink, if you're lucky have sex. give gifts to fairies, pick flowers, light candles and stay up half the night, celebrate with a nice ceremony before any other festivties. bonfires are optional. Traditionally, this is the day the lady loses her virginity to the lord (pole with red ribbons? ) and it also celbrates the fertile land and some other agricultural things.

Enjoy the update.

Monday, February 4, 2008

First Post

I did a posting on Witch's Voice (witch vox) for a local college age group because I don't like being a solitary. But this site is not just for a coven that may or may not form. This is for Wiccans like myself, who don't have a group. Part of religion for me is the community and that is why I made this site.

If you are Pagan and have not registered on witch vox, I implore you to. It is useful for finding information, contecting with your community and telling other people they are not alone in their beliefs. Look how many Wiccans are on there, and then think of all the ones who are not registered anywhere.

This is not here to convert people, but if you are interested e-mail me (amb) and I shall pass on the information.

Sorry this is so short, but I have to get some homework done.

-Ambrosia Winter